Restronics New England
We provide a consultative approach to representation of our Manufacturer Partners. We are here to help you find the solutions you are looking for regarding PCB and Medical Device Manufacturing.

Thank you for coming to the Restronics New England website. We designed this site to be a source of information for all of our Manufacturer Partners, our Distribution Partners, and of course, our Customer Partners.

Our website is made to educate, inform, and allow users to get inspired and sharing your experience with us. It’s vial to me that it’s useful to you. So, if you have any questions, things you want to learn about, or maybe you just want to leave a message, I invite you to do so.

Thank you,
-- Hunter
Hunter Adams
Managing Partner, Restronics New England

Our New England Team represents many of the premier product lines in the electronic manufacturing equipment and supplies industry.
Our objective is to identify and represent the perfect solution for your electronic and medical equipment manufacturing equipment and supplies. Let’s get together and discuss your needs.

Electronic Manufacturing Industry Statistics and Growth Projections

Industry trends show that there are a myriad of factors changing the industry. There are several influential data that have been singled out because of this. Just some of the most notable include:
  1. Hourly downtime affects most businesses. 98% say it costs them $100,000 per hour or more.
  2. Predictive maintenance may lower expenses by 20%.
  3. Predictive maintenance can reduce unplanned outages by up to 50%.
  4. Many large companies, 72%, have to have 99.99% minimum uptime.
  5. Electronic manufacturing is expected to grow by roughly 8% by 2025.
  6. 50% of IoT spending is projected to focus on transportation, logistics, and discrete costs.
  7. 40% of IoT customers prefer doing business with established companies.
  8. 63% of companies believe IoT device investment will increase profitability.
  9. Three-quarters of companies will have digitized their supply changes by 2021.
  10. Close to one third of companies have already implemented IoT into their devices.


We share our expertise, views and news about the electronics and medical equipment manufacturing industry and our principles.